I had so much fun assembling my set of user tools that I bought a few more than I needed. I bought doubles because they looked like upgrades and sometimes I bought tools because it was just exciting to find old woodworking tools for sale.
I've been using a 60's Stanley #5 for a few years. I'm proud that I got it working, but I went ahead and bought a type 11 because of the hype. I'm looking forward to fixing up the type 11 and seeing if I prefer it to my 60's model. When I'm done with that A/B test I'll probably keep both. Unless that type 11 completely blows my mind.
Getting some of my tools into working shape was tough and recognizing quality tools and a good deal was also tough, so I decided not to become a collector or reseller, because at this point that would take too much time away from my woodworking.
The tools that I'm not going to fix up or are redundant but are currently living in my basement will either go to work when I have time to fix them up or they will go.
In the "none of the above" category: I have one artistic assemblage of non-working tools in my house.