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Thread: Looking for help with adjustments with new powermatic 882 hh jointer

  1. #1

    Looking for help with adjustments with new powermatic 882 hh jointer

    Hi All
    my head on this parallelagtam jointer. Soo I have set the tables pretty close to perfect twice, and when I go to adjust the depth of cut on the infeed I'm getting out of coplaner. Have called tech support and not getting much help there. The confusion I am having is , between the locking lever
    and the set screws. Am I to loosen all and start to adjust ? If I loosen the locking lever, what keeps it from slipping down ? Which it seems to be doing.
    Thanks Greg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    Although my machine showed up freakishly perfect in alignment (I kept checking to see what I had missed), I have helped others through this process and lock/snug the table I am working on. Key elements for success are to check for parallelism before changing anything. Check the outfeed to the cutterhead and then the infeed. If the outfeed is out of parallel, you do the whole enchilada. If only the infeed is out of adjustment, you adjust the infeed to the outfeed.

    For the whole enchilada - align the outfeed (set for a parallel relationship) to the cutter head (not to the cutters), then align the infeed to the outfeed using the cutterhead (not the cutters) as a cross-check). It goes without saying that the quality of your straight edge translates directly to your possible variance after alignment; good straight edge = reduced cumulative error .
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  3. #3
    Thanks Glen. My question is if adjustments are made with the set screws all loose and one at a time ? And if I loosen the fed lock, it seems to slip as I'm adjusting

  4. #4
    Anyone ? Any thoughts on how to stop the front corner of the infeed table from raising when tightening lock lever ? Thanks.

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