I have to quote an upcoming job that should be fun, but am looking for suggestions to make it easier.

There's a sculpture that was installed on a hill, on a hiking trail about 1/2 mile from where a vehicle can get to.

We're going to install a stainless steel plaque, so I have to pour a small concrete slab to mount it on, with rebar pounded into the ground and so on.

I'll have to carry in 2-3 sacks of concrete, enough water to mix it, forms, rebar, some finishing tools, and of course the plaque. Since my wheelbarrow
is dead, (the welded-on valve stem rusted through so no way to fill the tire) I can get a new wheel, but it may make more sense at this point to buy something that would be easier to handle on this job.

Can those 4 wheel carts with big bicycle style wheels handle the weight? Would it be easier on my back going that far? My other thought was a hand truck with a large box strapped onto it.

One of these would be great but too much money for one job, I doubt I'd need it much again.