Hi everyone,
This is my first post so please be gentle with me !!
ok I work in a small machine shop in Toronto Canada and part of my responsibilities is to laser cut blanks out of 1/8"black extruded acrylic sheet.
This is the 2 nd Trotec 300 machine I have worked on ( The first suffered a catastrophic fire and went to laser heaven ).
On this newer 80W machine I am using the same Corel X6 (64 bit)programs that were used on the older machine so the programs are proven.( Edge finishes all acceptable)
The problem I'm experiencing is the edge finish when cutting a combined x+y motion it appears "lumpy" but the singular motion X or Y cuts within the same program are good .
I have had Trotec service out many times this past year and the machine was given the Ok but the problem persists.
A service ticket was applied over 6 months ago and I was told Trotec were seeking advise from Austria but still no answers.
I have provided many samples pieces with x,y and combined motions highlighting the poor edge quality on the Hypotenuse and the ok finish on the other edges but again no answers.

Someone suggested that the combined X+Y motion was "lumpy because the included angle was 42.2deg (designers !!) and it would be corrected at 45 deg.
I'm use to aerospace CNC machines and that didn't strike a chord with me.

Anyway hopefully someone can help.