
I plan to build a built-in during the holidays to have a dual function of audio center and bookcase.
I need to work on the plans, but we are talking roughly a 6 feet wide by 10 feet tall structure.

I plan to build 2 x 3 feet cabinets with 2 doors each, and aprox 20 inches deep.
I will then rest on this cabinet the shelves for the bookcase, which will be 12-14 inches deep (the bookcase will also be anchored to the wall studs)

Some general questions:
- I'm considering 3/4 oak plywood (cabinets, except the counter) and potentially shelves, with some lipping - Is this OK or would you rather use solid wood for the shelves?
- What is the max width you will allow for a given opening in the shelf? (to avoid sagging)

Any other recommendations based on similar projects?
