I'm wondering if anyone here has any advice about house-shop communication. The buildings are only about 16 feet apart, but it rains or snows or is icy here enough of the time that it would be convenient if my mother (who turned 70 this summer) could reach me without having to come outside. I have a phone but don't always notice it on vibrate if I am using machinery, and can't hear it a lot of the time. I'm thinking about possibilities ranging from a wire between buildings with a flag on a pivot in the shop so she could pull a handle and raise the flag up, to some kind of electronic solution like an intercom or something. I've also wondered about a doorbell for people with hearing difficulties, which I have heard can be a kind of strobe light sort of thing that is activated by pushing a button in another place. If anyone has tried any of these or any other means of notifying the person in the shop that they are wanted elsewhere I'd like to hear about it and how it worked for you. Thank you very much.