Please help with some advice. I have an 18” Powermatic planer. When I designed my shop the plan was to just roll it outside and collect the chips afterwards. My ClearVu DC is below in the basement, is collected to all other tools, but I had no interest in multiple trips to empty the filled container just to surface 20 or 30 board feet.

It’s worked out ok, except the planer outflow pipe clogs frequently. Having to clear it out is not optimal but worse are the chips which blow back onto the work table and wood and messes up the surface.

I would like to hook something up with a lot of suction power to pull the chips out of the planer and then just either blow them out on my driveway or maybe into a wheelbarrow or something like that. 4” outflow outlet right now.

I think I’ve seen some ideas like that here but can’t find anything with a SMC or Google search.

thanks. Jon