yeah agree no perfect guard.

jointing really long boards the gaurd was useless and more so was in the way, I could not drop on. You have the option to pull the fence towards you so at that point the porkchop does zero compared to not having it, at the end of the board your knives are exposed either way. Only thing pulling the fence close is you would wear your knives more always using that area. It also depends how you joint.

I respect the damage it can do, what does annoy me is the wood not gliding nice. When its right the wood is like a hovercraft and no friction over the tables. I ran out of auto paste wax then used some synthetic that worked horrible then liquid carnuba that was pretty good, then PFTE WD stuff and it leaves a residue then went back to parrafin and some swipes of that. Still not having the hovercraft experience and for me its most dangerous when stuff glides then sort of loads up like its got suction to the table right as you are going. Im next going to try one of my auto buffers on it. The car paste wax I had worked well and never caused finishing issues at least that brand.