First post to the community!

I have an opportunity to purchase two unused machines. First is an SCMI S63 24" planer with the knife grinder. Second is the SCMI F4L 16" jointer. Both are from around 1980. Neither one has ever been used, not even had power hooked up to them. They were purchased by a small corporation because they didn't want to pay taxes on their profits (would rather invest in machinery) but never did do anything with them. Now the gentleman is 86 and thinning out his estate. The deal is much too good to pass on. $2k for both machines.

I'm having a hard time finding any information on either of these machines online. SCM doesn't seem to have any information on their site, and I can't get anything from parts pronto on them either. I'd love to get my hands on the operations manual...especially for the jointer. Any idea where I can get documentation? Parts availability?

The planer has some rust on the internals (feed rollers, chipbreaker, etc.) but everything is turning freely. Motors aren't seized. Tables free of rust. I'm hoping with the first pass of lumber most of that surface rust will break free and all is well. At this price I think it's worth the gamble, but I'd really like to know about parts availability before fully committing.

Anything I should be wary of with the rusting? Opinions on both machines?

Thanks for the help.


S63_small.jpg S63_small2.jpg S63_small4.jpg F4L_small.jpg