Anyone ever turn privet? It's a highly prolific invasive species in North American and other places, imported as a decorative plant, despised by farmers and foresters, difficult to get rid of. Most I see is less than an inch or so.

I was clearing privet, bush honeysuckle and other growth under some trees and started to clear close to one tree when I looked closer. The tree was the biggest privet I'd ever seen, about 6" in diameter!

I dug up the tree (love that little excavator) and saved the butt "log". A last night I cut into it with the bandsaw.

What nice wood! It is very white, at least for now, with a dark heartwood, fine grain and very dense. It reminds me a lot of dogwood in both color, grain, and strength. Man is it tough! (at least while green) An 1/8" thick strip was hard to bend and I wouldn't break easily with my hands.

I'm going to let it air dry and try turning some.
