I had always wanted to get into woodworking and video. For woodworking, space/time/money was always the big roadblocks for me. For video, I didnt really know have anything I wanted to shoot. When I got into woodworking in the beginning of 2017 I figured the two paired nicely. I've been in the website/digital industry for the past 10 years and also have a background as a CAD jockey. Woodworking, plans, video and website all seem to go together quite nicely so I figured I'd start a YouTube channel and website. I actually filmed this back in the summer but it took forever to get all the pieces aligned to finally publish it which I did last night.

As far as the actual project goes, it's a mobile assembly/outfeed table that has a fold down extension. I have a small shop so I figured any space I can save would be great. The funny thing is that since I've made this table and accumulated even more tools my car has been relegated to the driveway and the table hasnt moved much so I dont really use the extension. Regardless, it was fun to make and got me to do some things I hadn't done yet. The table has been beyond useful. I was using plywood on sawhorses before and my outfeed table was a roller stand which I loathed.

I'm still relatively new to woodworking so I'd love to hear feedback from y'all on my approach, techniques, etc. Thanks.