the boiler is a WHN055.

6 years ago I installed it with the contractor who is a good friend and scorched air guy.

Pex was new to me at the time, and having 100psi @ 180 deg printed on it, I opted to run a 170 setpoint with a 10 deg offset so as to not go above the 180.

I recently read that pex can go up to 200 @ a psi that I am quite a bit below. So, I turned my setpoint up to 190 and offset to 9deg, so as not to breach 200

The unit has both a manual and automatic reset high limit that keep tripping. they are both maxed at 195 and 200 respectively. The manual states that they have a max of 195 and 210 respectively but mine will not adjust that high for some reason...

I have now turned the offset down to 3 deg to attempt avoiding tripping the high resets. I thought that a 190 deg setpoint with a 3 deg offset would result in an outlet water temp of 193. Is this not the case?