Quote Originally Posted by Rick McQuay View Post
No harm, no foul. I'm happy that my concerns were unfounded.

I just wish many of those old videos were readily available to the public legally. I've been woodworking since the 80's and I still learn things when watching anyone who is very skilled and able to communicate that skill to others.

My concern about the internet, and it's a bit of a rant, is that more value is placed on repetition than reputation. If a bad idea or woodworking myth takes hold in a forum, on reddit, on youtube, or wherever, it's difficult to dislodge.
It puzzles me why would anybody want to watch a video of it, or think that it adds value in any meaningful way.
And we are only talking about woodworking. It is the same with television. There are many cases of outright misinformation being broadcast as if it were gospel.

It is often the good is drowned out by the dregs. Quality isn't cheap and everyone seems to be looking for cheap.
