Thank you....keeps me out of the local Taverns...

OK, last drawer needs worked on. Sides I had,....were way too thick, almost 4/4"

Decided to cut new sides. At least they will match the thickness of the drawer's front
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Different crosscut saw, today. I like to rotate them through...two sides were cut to almost the right length, needed to clean up/square the ends..
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small jointer for the rough edges...
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And a larger jointer for the edges of the drawer's front.
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Stanley No. 6c, type 10...looks like this will be a two-parter....
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Welcome to my light seems to help out.
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Laid out for more saw work...
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Helps when I rub the saw's plate with a candle...
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Laid out a few chisels, and a mallet. Chop 1/2 way down then flip the board over, and finish the chops.
Hmm, out of picture space? Ok, Part 2, coming right up...stay tuned