Modern makers of firmer chisels are almost extinct. While they can be found used on eBay it's such a crap shoot I'd like to find a modern maker.

Cut to the chase, while googling firmer chisels today one of the hits was Amazon for Narex firmer chisels and I followed the link. Sure nuff the link lead to Narex firmer chisels. They looked like firmer chisels, the handle didn't look as 'clunky' as other Narex chisels and a set of four: 6mm, 12mm, 20mm, and 26mm were less than $50 USD delivered to my door today. I paid almost that much for a 1/2" Weatherby firmer off eBay the other day. First impression is good, the chisels have nice balance, the backs, of at least the 26mm, are very slightly concave. Less than 3 minutes on the 400 Atomic and it was flat. The bevel and back honed up quickly on the med India and Hard Black Ark developing a nice burr quickly and got a beautiful 'polish' on one of the hard JNAT's. I'm not one for 'testing" sharpness...If it feels sharp and looks sharp it is sharp but I have a new bald spot on my left arm.

They may be keepers,
