What is the general range for prices on used Festool stuff? I've seen dominos for sale used and they seem to fetch about 80% of the new price. Is it about the same for the other Festool products?

reason I ask is because I have a good sized project coming up and there are a few Festool products like the track saw, domino, and RO 90 sander that would be nice to have. I'm thinking I'd buy the tools and resell them when I'm done with the project. Kind of like a long term rental if the resale value is good.

The only downside is I may like them too much and not want to resell later. I can see that happening with the domino but maybe not the other items.

i already have a ETS 150 sander and the CT-26 vac so I've drank some of the green kool-aid.