Reed Gray (the RoboHippy) came up to do a demo for the Bremerton club yesterday, and as is common practice my wife and I hosted him.
His program was on doing platform sharpening (featuring his RoboRest) and his techniques to turn a bowl, quickly, with a minimum need for sanding.
Both halves were excellent and his RoboRest was certainly a hit, he sold many to club members.
While turning the bowl, and explaining every cut he is doing, why, and why his cuts work for him all took about an hour; he said he can do this same process in under 5 minutes... The life of a production turner.
This morning we got up ridiculously early and went to Tai Chi class (we both study Tai Chi), after which my wife feed us a "2nd breakfast" of sticky rolls and sausage.
After a couple hours of visiting Reed took off to spend the afternoon with Dave Schweitzer (D-Way Tools), before going on to Olympia to do a program there.