Hi All,

So today I was going to finish off the bed I'm making and I had planned on using some hardware I bought.( pictured below ) Anyway I did a test on some scrap to set up the router and make sure it all worked and I'm not happy with the results. The joint created by the hardware is somewhat sloppy. There is play in it and I don't feel it will be very strong. I am committed now to using hardware because I have already cut the side rails to size, so no tenons can be used. This is the first bed I have made so I'm not sure the best method to use to attatch the rails to the head/footboards. Now I'm stuck using something because like a dummy I cut the rails ....oh well.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Also do you know of a good place to find high quality hardware ? I got mine from woodcraft.

Hardware fit into test pieces.

Nice tight fit...until you touch it or put any force on it.

Gap !!
