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Thread: Ceramic glaze test - it's NOT cermark!

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  1. #10
    This means that a person can't make their own materials because they are patent protected. A person also can't practice the method with their own materials because that is also protected by the patents.
    Those would be US patents, yes? Because I have to say that if I feel like mixing up some random goop and lasering it, then I will do it. The US patent system and intellectual property stuff is bollixing up things for the entire species. Time was a patent gave the inventor 15 years to make good on their invention; then it got turned over to the general populace. That was reasonable and just. Now it's -what?- 95 years past the inventor's death or some such; thanks to bloody Disney bribing congress to raise the bar every time mickey mouse looks like going into the commons.

    So. Much as I appreciate your position; the fact that somebody -either associated with your company or subsequently bought out by them- did some original thinking doesn't give you the moral right to tell me what I can or cannot laser with my own machine on my own property. Yes, you've devoted time and money producing related products. That puts you ahead of the game, it doesn't buy you the right to stop everybody else from playing.

    "Aha!", I expect you to say, "they are worldwide patents". And the answer is the same. Fold it into sharp corners and use it as a chair. If I were to look at permanent marking materials, glazes would be an obvious place to start. I'm half inclined to give it a go now too...

    For the record, I've never seen a cermark product.
    Also, for the record, you probably picked on the exact wrong group of people to pre-threaten.
    Much of this has to do with obviousness of an invention. The inventors must show that their innovations are new, useful and nonobvious to someone "Skilled in the arts".
    You know you've just blown yourself out of the water there, don't you?
    Last edited by Darren Null; 09-25-2009 at 8:49 PM.

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