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Thread: TL-403 Controller U Axis Reversal Remedy?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Iowa USA
    Never worked correctly since day one, wonder why it was not addressed under Warranty?

    Get it setup so when you start or reset the table goes level with the top of the frame or whatever your using for a Zero level. Adjust micro switches or software as needed. Make a manual focus tool (spacer) or have the user make one as their first project and manually focus from that. Having auto focus and a lot of new users is a accident waiting to happen. Having taught for 12 years I can tell you that from experience. Granted they were suppose to be HS grads... before they got into my classes, but you would be surprised.

    Added later: Does the laser head move up & down in some way?

    You have both a Z axis and U axis? Two motors , two controllers?

    The U axis is the only motor with both upper and lower limit switches and would make sense that would be table up/down. So where is the Z motor? Wrong the U axis moves the head up and down for focus according to the manual page 84.

    Seems difficult to understand 4 axis on a laser engraver. U according to the info I found above U was for moving the head up and down for focus, therefore Z must be the table, IF the machine does indeed have 4 stepper motors.
    Pictures would be nice, and there is lots of setup info near the end of the manual, those could be set wrong?
    Last edited by Bill George; 01-11-2018 at 9:39 PM.
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Santa Cruz, CA

    We use a spacer tool all of the time to focus. We make a new one every time we teach the safety course. The bed does not automatically do anything ever... there is no "Home". It does not return to a position. Home is just the position it is in when the controller starts. That's the problem really. You can't go any further up (except we got it to return by 65mm now) from wherever you begin.

    I have inherited the laser from the prior administration so I can't speak too much to past decisions but some people have been here since the beginning so I do have some knowledge.

    Like I said before, the U is addressed in the manual as the axis to raise and lower the bed, which is the main method for focusing the tool. The Z is referred to as the Feed Motor or such. Wire feed perhaps?

    The laser head can move up in down a little bit if you loosen the nozzle but this is not mechanical, just a reality of the way it's constructed.

    I can take some photos.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Iowa USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Layman View Post

    We use a spacer tool all of the time to focus. We make a new one every time we teach the safety course. The bed does not automatically do anything ever... there is no "Home". It does not return to a position. Home is just the position it is in when the controller starts. That's the problem really. You can't go any further up (except we got it to return by 65mm now) from wherever you begin.

    I have inherited the laser from the prior administration so I can't speak too much to past decisions but some people have been here since the beginning so I do have some knowledge.

    Like I said before, the U is addressed in the manual as the axis to raise and lower the bed, which is the main method for focusing the tool. The Z is referred to as the Feed Motor or such. Wire feed perhaps?

    The laser head can move up in down a little bit if you loosen the nozzle but this is not mechanical, just a reality of the way it's constructed.

    I can take some photos.
    The information I stated was directly from the User Manual you posted. I spent well over an hour reading it. Look at the page number 84, and on. U is for moving the head up and down. If its Not that way then you have the wrong manual. Yes pictures.
    From the Owners Manual.....

    Focus Length (mm): Press the ―Number‖ keys to change the focus length. When this parameter is set. Press ―.‖ Dot key in standby interface, a message box will be shown that if reset focus length. If press ―Enter‖, the laser head will go down controlled by U Axis. When sensors close to the material surface, reach the designated position, a signal is given to controller, then it controls the laser head move up to the focus position.
    Last edited by Bill George; 01-11-2018 at 10:44 PM.
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Bill, I appreciate you taking the time!

    OK yes, I see Page 84 has the info about sending the axises back to Origin. However: U Axis is currently set to 'Open' but that behavior does not occur.

    I suppose you are correct about the U purpose, I found that too:"laser head will go down", not the bed... I literally have no idea how this could even happen with our setup.

    I could find barely any reference to the Z axis purpose. Only in reference to "Double Table" mode. Obviously assuming that's the table...

    When we set the Z axis to control the bed, it behaved the exact same way. Other than the horrible crunching noises... it would not go back up, only down...

    I am not really sure what photos to send, here is the head and the rail. For photos of the settings, we will need to wait until a class finishes.


  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Iowa USA
    It could move the head up and down by moving the TOP of the frame holding the Y rails but I doubt that. My guess the book is wrong and you only have 3 stepper motors or 4 (perhaps Y has one on each end). One for the table up/down commonly called the Z, left to right X and top to bottom Y. If you can pull off a panel to check that would really help. Now if you only have the Z or U axis and its all the same you can do some troubleshooting and corrective setup.

    To use the axis that has the limit switches as the Z table up/down you would need to make sure the limits are working correctly.

    Wondering also what the wires are taped to the air line going to the nozzle? Was there either a small micro switch or optical sensor on that at one time? If its been bypassed or jumped to make the machine work then that also could be part of the problem.
    Last edited by Bill George; 01-12-2018 at 8:01 AM.
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Layman View Post
    Steven, I was never notified of this comment! It's a huge step forward, however the behavior you expressed is not quite what we are experiencing.

    What happens for us when we push the decimal is that it moves the bed a specific amount of steps (we can change the value in settings, it's "Focal Height"). It can only be 1-65mm and it goes in the direction that U-Axis -> Axis Dir is set to. We do not experience it "raising the table to the home position" it merely goes the specified millimeter distance and then stops.

    So far I am unable to come up with a sequence of steps that really allows this to be helpful but I did discover that adjusting that "Focal Height" parameter allows for the bed to be adjusted by that amount upon starting the machine. So the problem is less obvious. Users have a lee-way of 65mm to go up and down when the machine starts.

    Definitely appreciate this improvement a lot. Very grateful.

    See if this menu sequence homes your table.
    Back Set
    Manual Back
    4-U Axis

    On my X700, this raises the table until it hits the limit switch.

    The menu sequence is not exactly convenient.

    Pressing the decimal point on my control panel asks me if I want to reset the focus length. If I press Enter to confirm, it homes the table as with the above menu option, then lowers it by the value set for focal length. Are you saying yours moves just in one direction by the amount of the focus length?

    If that is the case, then I'm wondering if your table limit switch is stuck closed, or at least seen that way by the controller. Try this in the menu:
    System Test
    Input IO

    On mine, switch 8 shows as red when the table limit switch is closed (bed at high limit), and green when it is open. Does yours look like this? If you press and release the limit switch while on this screen, you should see one of the input values (#8?) change. If you see nothing changing, then it's very likely your machine thinks the bed is stuck at the top.

    When you press the decimal point and the table moves by the amount of the focus length, is it going up or down? If it's going up, you may have the axis direction reversed. I know you said you changed this setting a lot as the only way to move the bed. My U Axis direction is set to positive, and the two settings below that are both negative.

    RedSail X700 60W

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Iowa USA
    So do you indeed have both a Z and U axis or are they one in the same?
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  8. #23
    The U Axis is used for raising and lowering the table. The Z Axis is not used. I believe the controller manual describes the Z Axis as being used for material feeding.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Layman View Post
    ...It does look like it had a plunger focus tool at one point but I don't think it was ever used. Perhaps that connection is perpetually open, causing the behavior to constant...
    Quote Originally Posted by Steven Yates View Post
    ...If that is the case, then I'm wondering if your table limit switch is stuck closed, or at least seen that way by the controller. Try this in the menu:
    System Test
    Input IO...
    I see the harness and indents on the head where the plunger was probably attached. The behavior is similar to when the focus tool becomes dirty and sticks.

  10. #25
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    Iowa USA
    We might never know unless the poster comes back. I think the whole Z axis thing, along with the manual is a error. What Steven has posted above and he owns one is more than likely the way it needs to be. Toss in what Matt posted above and I think that's where to start troubleshooting.
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Santa Cruz, CA
    OK of course I was not getting notifications for these responses again!

    Alright, Steve you are spot on. I managed to set up the bed to home automatically on startup. Someone had turned off the Back Set - Init settings for U axis.

    Bill, Thank you a ton for your diligence in looking into the problems.

    All of you guys are awesome.

  12. #27
    Setting the machine to home the U-Axis at start up sounds like a horrible idea to me. If my honeycomb table is in the machine it is going to crash into the cone the next time I turn on the machine.

    Since about the only time I need to be able to raise the bed much above where I cut last time is when I switch from material that requires the honeycomb to one that doesn't, I'd rather do a manual back in that situation rather than raising whatever might be in the machine toward my lens cone everyone I turn it on.


  13. Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Layman View Post

    We use a spacer tool all of the time to focus. We make a new one every time we teach the safety course. The bed does not automatically do anything ever... there is no "Home". It does not return to a position. Home is just the position it is in when the controller starts. That's the problem really. You can't go any further up (except we got it to return by 65mm now) from wherever you begin.

    I have inherited the laser from the prior administration so I can't speak too much to past decisions but some people have been here since the beginning so I do have some knowledge.

    Like I said before, the U is addressed in the manual as the axis to raise and lower the bed, which is the main method for focusing the tool. The Z is referred to as the Feed Motor or such. Wire feed perhaps?

    The laser head can move up in down a little bit if you loosen the nozzle but this is not mechanical, just a reality of the way it's constructed.

    I can take some photos.

    Sorry if this is an old thread, but I just purchased a Redsail CM1290 and I am having trouble figuring it out. Our laser did not come with the "spacer focus tool".

    Do you know the height of this piece of acrylic?? We would like to make a new one.

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Suwanee, GA
    There isn't a set length for a focus tool for any machine, you need to determine that yourself. Even two of the exact same machines with the exact same lens will have a slightly different focal distance due to variances in the machine and optics. Search here for "ramp test" and you should find a few posts on how to determine the actual "best" focus for your machine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Ryerson View Post
    Sorry if this is an old thread, but I just purchased a Redsail CM1290 and I am having trouble figuring it out. Our laser did not come with the "spacer focus tool".

    Do you know the height of this piece of acrylic?? We would like to make a new one.

  15. Thank-you. Yes I looked at the "ramp test" but haven't done this yet. I was just wondering what the distance would be in general. Since in the manual they show a focusing tool but we did not get one in the parts box. If someone has the same laser, redsail CM1290 and they have the acrylic tool, please share the measurement (height).

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Hair View Post
    There isn't a set length for a focus tool for any machine, you need to determine that yourself. Even two of the exact same machines with the exact same lens will have a slightly different focal distance due to variances in the machine and optics. Search here for "ramp test" and you should find a few posts on how to determine the actual "best" focus for your machine.

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