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Thread: Neander Interview: Bob Smalser

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Plano, TX

    Neander Interview: Bob Smalser

    1. Name (and nick names)
    Bob Smalser

    2. Age/DOB
    57 Years, Sept 10, 1948

    3. Location (present and previous)
    Camp Union, Washington above Hood Canal, where we are building our retirement home and shop on a tree farm we’ve owned since the late ‘70’s. I grew up in rural South Jersey and PA and have lived and worked in Colorado, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Georgia, Rhode Island, Virginia, and also overseas while in the service.

    4. Tell us about your family
    My family were originally Swiss Anabaptists (Schmaltz), later German (Schmaltzhaffen/Schmaltzhaf), and later American (Smalser) beginning in 1837.
    Betty’s forbearers were Dutch Lutherans and Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, and she specializes in teaching math to special-needs students. We’ve been married for almost 30 years. Two living sons, one a software engineer and part-time musician/luthier and the youngest is a senior in HS when he isn’t working for me. We lost our middle son to cancer a couple decades ago. Betty assists in the shop, in homebuilding, and is presently restoring a 60’s-vintage Airstream trailer.

    5. How do you earn a living, woodworking or other, any interesting previous occupations
    I’ve worked either part of full time since the age of 12 or so when I began helping my uncles and father in a number of woodworking and building trades, and some flavor of wood has been at least a sideline since then. I began as a boat builder’s gofer, was trained as a forest and habitat biologist in college, and later as a gunsmith and stock maker. I’ve restored antique furniture, reproduced it in various styles, and conserved/restored antique firearms for museums in addition to restoring and building traditional wooden boats. I can consult on forestry, land and habitat management, and I grow, harvest and mill my own wood. Custom sawyering alone could easily be a full-time job if I let it, and I often turn down work to maintain the variety of jobs I prefer. A near-term, 5-year goal is to complete a custom, 2500sf Victorian home using woods entirely harvested from the building site and adjacent forest, to include doors and cabinets.

    6. Equipment overview (hand tools and other)
    Like my Mennonite forbearers, austere. I don’t believe in owning tools I don’t use regularly, although I probably own more than twice as many hand tools as the men who taught me. How few tools those old professionals owned would shock today’s woodworkers. But I don’t need much. A basic 10” contractor’s saw, a 6” jointer, a 12” planer, a 14” band saw, a 12X36” lathe, with assorted tailed and hand tools. In hand tools, I like prewar, and I like inexpensive. I can make it work.

    7. Describe your shop
    Sheds and tents until I get the home up, then the basement will be the shop and I’ll build a proper boat barn after we move in.

    8. Tell us about the hand planes you own, and your favorite one(s) to use
    Mostly Stanley and various hand-me-down woodies. They all work to suit my purpose, and I don’t have any favorites. Sweetheart models generally take less work to bring up to speed, and the old woodies remain the most versatile.

    9. You favorite chisels
    I’ve come to prefer Witherby and Swan as the best compromise between edge holding and ease of sharpening. But there are other prewar chisels their equal, just not as consistently. Of the new ones I got to play with courtesy of FWW and Joel Moskowitz, I liked the Ashley Iles bench chisels a lot.

    10. Your favorite handsaw(s)
    Disston 12’s and 16’s….the 16 being a sleeper. Nobody today makes a hand saws their equal. In back, dovetail and specialty saws I have shop-made frame saws, Disston back and dovetail saws, modern pull saws, and an odd, old prewar no-name dovetail saw that outcuts them all.

    11. Do you use western tools or Japanese, why do you prefer the ones you use
    I’ve owned and enjoyed Japanese tools, but generally prefer western tools because that’s what I grew up using.

    12. Do you have a woodworking home page
    As it’s a value I was teethed on, my writing concentrates on teaching…these are all chapters in a future book for my boys:

    13. Do you have any influences in your work? Certain styles or designers you follow/prefer
    I rarely do original work. One reason is that creativity isn’t one of my gifts. The other is I don’t believe you can often top 900 years of trial and error, and are usually wasting time trying…either your time now, or in joinery, the person who has to restore your work some day. I can and do copy anything, however, and prefer restrained Victorian furniture and design, as it lends itself to efficient and artful machine and hand tool use. Also any wooden boat designed by any Herreshoff or most timeless traditional boats drawn by Chapelle or Gardner. I’m biologically programmed to like curves.

    14. Do you have any ancestors who were woodworkers that served as inspiration

    Uncle Paul’s dad was a carriage maker who encouraged his son to switch to wooden boats, as carriage making was becoming auto body work. Paul built boats out of an austere shop and marine railway in New Gretna, NJ from 1920 until just before he died around 1990. To make ends meet, he sold hardware on the road in winter and conserved antique furniture for various Philadelphia-area museums. I have many of his tools.

    Uncle Howard was a finish carpenter and home builder based out of the family farm in Lackawanna County, PA. Howard could build just about anything using fewer tools than Uncle Paul owned. He owned and drove school busses in winter to make ends meet, and also did custom welding.

    Uncle Merle was Howard’s older brother, who managed a large wood lot in addition to the truck farm and greenhouse operation, bringing in custom sawyers to supply the family with wood. Merle retained a work horse for his strawberry fields throughout my childhood.

    Granddad was a farmer, excavation contractor (using draft horses) and stone mason based on the family farm in Wyoming County, PA. He died when I was a youngster in the late 1950’s, but I remember helping him in one of his last masonry projects. My Dad left the farm during the Depression to provide cash as a journeyman, the farm eventually failed, and he wound up as a shipwright in Philadelphia during and after WWII. More men who could do almost anything with their hands, and I also have many of their tools.

    15. What is your favorite neander project, or part of a project, you have ever done and why

    If the goal is skill in woodworking, I’m not much of a believer in “Neander” projects, except for maybe one or two early on to develop basic skills. Unless you just like to plane and saw for exercise, the time spent in grunt work once left to apprentices isn’t being spent developing higher-order skills.

    16. Do you believe there is any spiritual dimension to woodworking with hand tools
    I believe in the spiritual dimension of a life well found in family, well found in hard work, and well found in passing on values and skills.

    17. How much of your work is done by hand tools. Do you use whatever is best for the job or do you use hand tools even when they are less efficient
    Boatbuilding is one of the last refuges of modern hand tool use because the work piece can’t be moved to the machine and many angles are too complicated for any other tool. I much prefer them, mostly because of the quiet, but I won’t sacrifice efficiency for it. There simply isn’t enough time.

    18. What is your single most favorite tool, and why
    Probably the brace. No tool is as versatile. Or timely.
    The means by which an end is reached must exemplify the value of the end itself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Plano, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Zahid Naqvi
    I’m biologically programmed to like curves.
    So am I Bob, but it has nothing to do with woodworking

    Thanks for the interview, I have always appreciated the time and effort you put into creating step by step tutorials on various WW'ing techniques.
    Last edited by Zahid Naqvi; 02-17-2006 at 2:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Great interview! Bob is one of the most respected and admired members here at SMC! I always learn a lot from his tutorials!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  4. Nice to meet you Bob, thanks for you thoughtful answers to the interview, and thanks to Zahid for doing it.

    I really like these interviews.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Grand Marais, MN. A transplant from Minneapolis
    Thank you for sharing. Most informitive and inspirational.
    Live Like You Mean It.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Etobicoke, Ontario
    Cheers!!! To a man who openly shares knowledge in hopes of preserving a love of woodworking with a common sense approach. I always welcome your articles Bob. Thank you again. You have taught me much.
    Louis Bois
    "and so it goes..." Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

  7. #7
    Excellent interview.

    I hope to stop in and visit your shop sometime when I am in the area. Thanks for sharing.

  8. #8

    If you write a book about woodworking, I'll stand in line to buy one!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Philadelphia, Pa
    Nice to learn more of your past and present, Bob.
    Alan Turner
    Philadelphia Furniture Workshop

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Houston, Texas
    Bob, thank you.
    Good, Fast, Cheap--Pick two.

  11. #11
    Not for just the interview but for all that you are willing to share.
    Glenn Clabo

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pacific, Mo.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn Clabo
    Not for just the interview but for all that you are willing to share.
    I echo the above comments. Good luck in your "retirement" home
    Making new friends on SMC each and every day

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Laguna Beach , Ca.
    That is a great interview...Bob has been a really inspiration to most of us here at SMC....he has a true depth of knowlege that comes with a lot of is great to learn more about him. Very nice interview Zahid!
    "All great work starts with love .... then it is no longer work"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Carlyle IL
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Singer
    That is a great interview...Bob has been a really inspiration to most of us here at SMC....he has a true depth of knowlege that comes with a lot of is great to learn more about him. Very nice interview Zahid!

    Ditto what Mark typed.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Douglasville, GA
    Lovely. What a nice man, and a nice interviewer also. Great concept, great execution.

    Thanks to both of you for taking the time to share. The Creek is a very interesting and unique place.

    Best regards, Tom
    Chapel Hills Turning Studio
    Douglasville, GA

    Hoosier by birth, Georgian by choice!

    Have blanks, will trade.

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