Hello there! I'm new to this forum and so far quite impressed with everything I've read, but this is my first post! Recently purchased a 1975 chalet-style house with ALL knotty pine T&G wood paneling. While the house is very well maintained and I love the campy-vibe, we are looking to tone down the color of the walls. I have done some tests in closets with different techniques (Rubio monocoat in a few tones, and then BM Arborcoat in a few colors) and was thinking the BM arbor coat would be the best method (ideally the semi-transparent or solid), I was told that the arbor coat isn't suitable for indoors due to fumes.

Trying to achieve somewhat of a "whitewashed" (or should I say taupe-washed) look, but without the pink undertone. Definitely want something more modern as we are painting the fireplace brick black. I've included a picture of the existing walls as well as quick photoshop I did to show the tone that would be ideal.

Does anyone have a suggestion of a paint/stain that we can achieve this with that wouldn't require as many steps (ie, rubbing on with a towel and wiping off extra, etc) as we have to do the work ourselves and will require scaffolding, etc.

Existing Walls.jpgInspo Wall Color.jpg