I have a small electrical space heater I turn on in my basement shop during cold winter days to take the edge off or when I do finishing to raise the temp. I never leave it plugged in when I am not in the shop, except when I forget, once or twice over the years. My furnace is in the basement and heats it pretty well and I have vents that I mostly leave closed, just hate to heat an unused space. I know it only takes once to burn down my house, but I am frugal and fix stuff vs throw it out.

This thing got knocked over or fell over and temp sensor stopped working. Turns out this is a common thing with these cheap heaters. It turns on, but cycles on and off in very short cycles continuously now. I am thinking of rewiring it so it bypasses the sensor and just plug it in and unplug it.

I know it would only take once and having it run for 18 hours and start a fire etc...Kind of talking myself out of doing this as I write.

Any suggestions on a higher quality unit I can purchase?

