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Thread: Braille Plugin Error

  1. #1

    Braille Plugin Error

    I cannot seem to find this solution on the forums.

    Our customer is actually a school for the blind and informed us that the software is translating room numbers that contain a letter before the number, like B2000.

    We sent over what the software translates on our drawing.

    The softwares adds an extra space between the number and the letter. The translation program is not applying the rules of braille correctly. Is there any way for for the software to get rid of the space without the program adding the “grade 1 indicator” dots? (these are the two extra dots that do not belong)

    I’m lost on this and I’m concerned that we have made this mistake in the past.

    Again, any help you can offer I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Gloucester, VA

    Let's troubleshoot, but we'll need more information:
    1. What you are trying to translate?
    2. What did you type into the text box (specifically)?
    3. What was the result? (pictures help)
    4. What was the expected result?
    SawmillCreek Administrator

  3. #3
    6FA2EDBB-20F3-488A-AFA6-E2C3258A32CB.jpgCA5ADC4E-BFDF-4E4B-85DB-4E0F1B8041D7.jpgattached for a better look at the issue that we have having

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Gloucester, VA

    This translation is correct for both EBAE and UEB. The software translates to English Braille American Edition (EBAE), rather than Unified English Braille (UEB, an international edition). There is a slow movement towards UEB which has been adopted by the braille authority of North America at the national level, which helps inform what happens at the state level. States are still transitioning, as the process comes with extra costs and is not without some controversy among educators and students. Most states have documented transition plans in place for textbooks and other educational materials, like forms and standardized tests. For instance, Virginia hopes to have most materials transitioned by 2025.

    For door signs like the above, the two systems are identical. The exception is when you have a number followed by the letters a-j:
    107A translates to #107@A (where # is the numeric indicator and @ is the character indicator.) In both UEB and EBAE, the letters a-j are the same as the numeric digits. Thus, the numeric indicator says that what follows are numbers. The character indicator lets the reader know that what follows is now a letter and not a number. UEB calls the character indicator the grade 1 indicator. EBAE is a little safer in that it always requires a character indicator if letters follow a numeric sequence, and both UEB readers and older readers will be able to unambiguously read the door sign with the grade 1 indicator before characters. UEB saves a character in certain circumstances in that it only requires the grade 1 indicator after a numeric sequence for the letters a-j; the letters k-z can appear after a numeric sequence without the character indicator since they wouldn't be confused for digits. In any case, the signage does not need to have the capital indicator (single dot 6); they should be lower case.

    There are some other small differences that may apply to door signs, such as when hyphenating two numbers. At the moment UEB is not supported.
    SawmillCreek Administrator

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Gloucester, VA
    Update: The software now supports UEB as an option.
    SawmillCreek Administrator

  6. #6
    Where do I go to purchase the Grade II Braille plug-in for Corel? We have the latest version of Corel. Thanks in advance.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

  8. #8

    has this been updated to the current Corel draw?

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