I have always been a firm believer in small incremental updates. EZCAD2 2.12.0 did not like the latest 12/26/2017 Windows 10 update and I had to roll back to 12/25/2017. In short a message came back MFC failure, program closing.

Prior to the roll back I did check to see if there were any newer versions of EZCAD2, none were found at least on BJJCZ. I also used several different versions under Windows compatibility mode withing the shortcut, nothing worked but the roll back.

This may be nothing more than a USB driver issue.... but I did test to see if EZCAD was even communicating with the laser and it was. When I had the laser off, demo mode would start, but fail also.

So beware, if you have a big job coming up, you may want to hold off on an update until this is resolved.
