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Thread: Wisdom of the ancients, true or false

  1. #1

    Wisdom of the ancients, true or false

    Now that I'm becoming the ancient one, I'm recalling wisdom from the ancients who came before me.

    one word (or sentence) from the ancient ones drifted to the surface as I was planing an edge a moment ago. "Don't pull the plane backwards with the sole down, lift it a little." Supposedly dragging the plane backwards without lifting dulls the blade.

    So... True or false. I see lots of folks just drag the plane backwards. Does it really matter?

    any other "wisdom of the ancients" out there to share? Curious minds want to know!



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Dublin, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Clint Bach View Post
    Now that I'm becoming the ancient one, I'm recalling wisdom from the ancients who came before me.

    one word (or sentence) from the ancient ones drifted to the surface as I was planing an edge a moment ago. "Don't pull the plane backwards with the sole down, lift it a little." Supposedly dragging the plane backwards without lifting dulls the blade.

    So... True or false. I see lots of folks just drag the plane backwards. Does it really matter?
    Hang on while I get some popcorn...

    I don't drag the iron backwards over the work, but I'm not sure I've ever seen this conclusively answered. Note that in any case you just need to lift the heel of the plane a tiny bit to bring the iron off the wood. No need to lift the whole thing.

  3. #3
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    I lift a bit in the return path.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  4. #4

    I'm ancient, and I'm wise. I don't think it matters much. I think the heel comes up a bit when I pull the plane back. You should be rehoning because of the effect of cutting, long before pulling the blade backwards would have any effect on sharpness.


  5. #5
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    I remember reading where a workman sarcastically praised his apprentice for trying to sharpen the plane's blade by dragging it back without lifting it.

    Of course, if you consider the abrasive action on the blade as it is dragged bass ackwards in contact with the wood, it seems obvious that it cannot improve things, but only accelerate dulling. How much would be difficult to measure.

  6. #6
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    There are two ways to look at this question.

    A lot of old planes that have come my way have more wear on the toe than anywhere else. My observation has led me to the belief the old timers lifted the heel of the plane and drug the toe.

    Another way to look at it is as long as the person dragging the blade backwards across the work is observant enough to know when to sharpen and then takes care of the sharpening, it isn't my problem.

    Often having seen Roy Underhill and others dragging a molding plane back on the work my desire to imitate the 'master(s)' didn't end well. So now instead of trying to match speed, it is my desire to at least match the quality.

    So my plane blades are lifted off of the work most of the time.

    This is even more important to me with a bevel up plane since getting rid of a wear bevel on the back of such a blade is a PITA.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  7. #7
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    I don't worry about it.

  8. #8
    I noticed Roy underhill dragging the planes backwards with the blade down too. The sound a plane makes when dragged backwards with the blade down is different. I hear a few extra clicks. Your mileage may vary. The sound may be the blade tapping the ends of the cut?


  9. #9
    Dragging makes sure that the clearance angle does not increase. For faster results grind and hone/strop at the bedding angle.

    Best wishes,

  10. #10
    Believe it or not there is a pretty good group of people who are afraid to strop a plane iron on leather, for fear of "dubbing", then procede to raise the iron up 15 degrees or more and rub it backwards with pressure on the wood as they plane.
    For my own planes I strop with clean leather and lift the plane on the back stroke.

  11. #11
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    Dragging the plane backward might be the primary reason for the wear on the primary bevel for a BD plane.

  12. #12
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    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Maybe it is the reason why a lot of the old planes are so worn on each end? Some would lift the rearend, some would lift the front end.....spread out over a few decades....

    Since mine get shoved along at a slight skew, I usually just lean the plane to one side...or, just lift the plane off the wood completely...YMMV

  13. #13

    leaning the plane over on one side is a new one on me. The ancients never mentioned that to me.

    good alternative. I'll try it.


  14. #14
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    Tilting the plane slightly on the return stroke is how I was taught. My instructor had "suffered his apprenticeship" in England (his words) so perhaps that's a British thing.
    From the workshop under the staircase, Clinton Township, MI
    Semper Audere!

  15. #15
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    I lift. If not then you’re using your board to strip just the very tip of the iron at 45 degrees. Certainly accelerates wear.
    Bumbling forward into the unknown.

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