I always say that handsome is short-lived, but handy lasts a lifetime. Here is a story of how being handy saves lives. As they restore power around the island (except, of course, my house- 73 days no power as of today), I noticed that at an abandoned house the weatherhead was down and resting on a metal fence. It is down my hill (yup, they have power- I don't) and we pass it daily as I walk my daughter to school. I noticed that the weatherhead was hooked to the pole, so to be safe I went home and got my clamp meter. Sure enough, not only is it hot, but so is the metal fence.


Here is where the story takes a turn. The neighbor called the WAPA emergency number and reported it, AND she went to WAPA in person and reported it. Days later- it is still hot. We reported it in person again. A week after the initial report- still hot. I finally went on a public Facebook page where all the island goes for information and posted it, tagged WAPA and VITEMA. I also called 911 and reported it. I went to WAPA again and reported it, as did the church across the street. Two days later- still hot. I made a sign to warn people.


Finally, I flagged down a WAPA employee in the neighborhood and told them. They finally disconnected it, but get this- they just left the hot line hanging (thankfully on the other side of the fence) and wrapped the end with ONE wrap of electrical tape!!! I am speechless.

So, once again, being handy and having the right tools pays off. So many kids play in that area- it is literally next door to the church Sunday school building. It's amazing nobody got hurt or killed. I just cannot believe what it took to get something done.