Certain tire formulas and models are more susceptible to hydroplaning than others, too...DAMHIKT!

'Glad she's ok. Look, I'm a Subaru fan and am glad that we have two of them in addition to my Grand Cherokee. My younger daughter drives our 2011 Outback limited that previously was Professor Dr. SWMBO's vehicle. (She has a 2016 now) Darling daughter isn't necessarily a fan of the brown color of her ride, but it was very interesting about a week or two ago when she straight out commented that she was very thankful to be driving a Subaru during a heavy, heavy downpour that occurred as she was driving home from campus to go to work. Some folks think that AWD only benefits in the winter months, but honestly, it's a boon when things are very wet, too. No, it doesn't mean folks can speed and do crazy things, but the distribution of power can be very helpful from a stability standpoint.

The Impreza is a great vehicle, although "we" prefer the larger Outback because of our own physical needs. She may also want to test drive the Forester as it has about the best visibility of all of them.