I am having an issue with RD works, I am new to the program and am having issues transitioning from LaserCad. I always do multiples of the same piece. I duplicate a single piece 8 times using the array tool. In LaserCad it will engrave each piece individually then cut them out. In RDWorks it is engraving all 8 simultaneously, sweeping the entire laser bed everytime. This has cut my productivity down tremendously making a 45 minute job a 75 minute job. I have tried reodering the work but it still engraves the same, I also tried using copy and paste rather than the array tool but that made no difference.

Any suggestions how I can get back to engraving individually. As all my work is like this it would be a PITA to have to reorder everytime, is there a setting in RDworks to do each bitmap separately.