Have a very interesting tool that I came into possession of via the wonder that is fleabay for a few bucks. It arrived in pretty good shape, was about as sharp as a spoon. Part II is coming later this week as soon as I can get the finish for the handle procured. The company Underhill that made it went out of business in the 1880s so even if this was made in the very last year of the companys existence it is still over 120 years old at least. I'm inclined to think it was used in ship building.

It is built in the same fashion as a framing slick with the socket angled upward from the cutting edge, so the replacement handle will be very similar to a framing slick handle, I don't know if it's historically accurate but sometimes you just have to make it work. The overall length of this monster is 13 5/8 and the handle that is came with was just WAY too short and spindly for my hands.

Pretty interesting tool and I haven't seen many like it apart from a few here and there on the internet. The width of the cutting edge is 2" and the sweep is close to a Pfeil #6. Very cool indeed. Will put up part II as soon as it's completed.