Just a little while back, I was visiting my local wood monger when I overheard another customer making arrangements to pick up his new band saw, which happened to be the very model I wanted. I joked with the counter person about loading it into my vehicle when he mentioned I might want to get while the gettin’ is good. I told him I wasn’t planning on buying until maybe in the fall but he explained that the manufacturer is going to start charging them freight, so when they sell their current stock and reorder, the price will go up by $200 or more. So what does Brett do? He buys a new band saw.

They had mobile bases on back order, so I decided to buy online. It arrived a couple of days ago and I put her together last night after work. I got as far as installing and tracking the blade before calling it quits for the night. It hums along quite nicely, I must say. Woohoo!