Sorry to hear your jointer had some damage. Hopefully yu can get her fixed and back up and running but depending on the costs to get it fixed, it may not be worth it. I am a huge fan of OWWM (Old wood working machinery) . They don't make machinery like they used to currently, most are made overseas.....

If your repair doesn't work out you may want to consider an Oliver 6" or 8" jointer. They were made with quality in mind and if you ever have the opportunity to check one out, you'll see what I'm talking about. You may have to consider getting a VFD as these machines are 3 phase motors , most of them.

This is just my personal opinion as we all have them but I will only purchase OWWM....the quality speaks volumes and they were built to last and perform with quality results...

Hope it works out for you either way.....
