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Thread: found wood, maybe a gloat, need ID

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    St. Paul, MN

    found wood, maybe a gloat, need ID

    Hey guys,

    I need some help ID'ing some wood i found on the curb a block down, I don't know much about the tree except i think i remember seeing blossoms on the tree in the spring. maybe pink or white blossoms. I didn't find any leaves or branches just these big chunks of green wood.

    any help with the ID would be great.


    p.s. the grain i can see looks pretty interesting, i think this might turn into a gloat. Also, don't squeeze the charmin.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Childress, Texas, USA
    Sorry, but I don't have any idea... but I would be gloating and turning!!
    The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    found wood, maybe a gloat, need ID

    what's it smell like? Looks alittle like some apple that I got last year if I remember right.Whatever it is The wood looks good.Hope it holds the color.You ought to seal it asap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    I agree with Greg - looks like apple. I would turn it ASAP and if its anything like the apple I've seen - it will check in a heartbeat!

    Have fun with it! Looking forward to seeing it once turned!

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Atikokan, Rainy River district, Ontario
    Looks like spalting Apple, I agree, better get that sealed and then don't let it sit but get it turned, just check that the spalting isn't toooo soft already to turn, good size pieces if I see that right,
    Have fun and take care

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Greensboro, NC


    That is some beautiful looking wood. I would love to try turning some apple. Those look like some nice sized pieces too. Have fun with it! Found wood is the best wood - especially when it looks that good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Lewisville, NC
    Blog Entries

    Found Wood

    Hello Patrick, If this wood were near a street with sidewalks within the city limits I would expect the wood to be an Oriental Ornamental. Say that ten times. Anyway Japaneese cherry of several varieties, maybe Crab Apple. I would vote for a Japaneese Ornamental, the growth rings, contrasting color all suggests ornamental. Great wood, I would suggest you send me a piece, large chunk, 12" x 12" x 6" and I guarantee a positive ID on this wood. I will even pay shipping to me.. I thank you in advance. David Woodruff
    David Woodruff

    If you don't know where you're going, it doesn't matter how you get there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Atikokan, Rainy River district, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Doody View Post
    Hey guys,

    I need some help ID'ing some wood i found on the curb a block down, I don't know much about the tree except i think i remember seeing blossoms on the tree in the spring. maybe pink or white blossoms. I didn't find any leaves or branches just these big chunks of green wood.

    any help with the ID would be great.


    p.s. the grain i can see looks pretty interesting, i think this might turn into a gloat. Also, don't squeeze the charmin.
    Patrick I thought I still did have some spalted Applewood sitting in my cabin, went and looked, and yes, got a couple pieces here to take pictures from, the original pieces I got were from a farmer that did take out one row of his orchard of Apple trees, and I got some of it, 2 pieces were spalted and 2 more where not, got some Walnut as well at that same time, here are a couple of pictures to show you the original pieces and the way they look now, rough and dry
    Apple and Walnut.jpg Spalted Apple wood.jpg Spalted Applewood.jpg
    Have fun and take care

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Wow Leo, that's some beautiful stuff. I always enjoy looking at your work.

    I've been busy, since I last checked in, I anchorsealed it all right away. my friend came over this afternoon and sawed up some blanks for me, a chainsaw is high on my list of things i need to get. we got 11 nice sized blanks, the trunk was about 14" in diameter so i got some nice sized blanks.

    I started in on this crotch roughout. I gave the other bigger half of this to my friend along with 3 more of the biggest blanks(he has a stubby, i'm using a delta 46-460), we're each going to turn a bowl from this and compare them.

    I have it sitting in a plastic bag for now, any tips on drying this without cracking? I'm still kinda new, and the birch i've been turning is not very prone to cracks. Thanks ALL!!! after seeing this roughout, i'm gonna declare this a big gloat!!!

    Also seems like the consensus is Apple wood, and although that's more than likely what it is, i'm dubbing it "groovy wood".

    here are some pics of the roughout, sorry for the low quality cell phone pics.
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    Last edited by Patrick Doody; 09-26-2010 at 12:06 AM.

  10. #10
    The purple looking center, and the bark on some of those pieces, reminds me of an ornamental plum we had in the front yard.
    I wish I'd saved some!
    Regardless, sure is purty!

  11. #11
    Hmm, I am thinking apple as well due to the bark. Looking at the first picture, I am thinking that the color comes because it is rotting, particularly the center brown spot. There are a few dark rings that run around the tree about half way or more out, which could be ring checking. Be very careful with any of that. If you see any voids in the ring, then it is checking and can come apart. Be sure to stand out of the line of fire. If it has a sour smell, that would be another indication of rot. Healthy apple smells almost like yeast. Any mounting that would depend on the rotten part of the wood would not be very secure... This type of rot is typical in apple trees.

    robo hippy

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Elizabeth City, NC
    Just a note, this is a 7 year old thread.
    I am not saying go kill all the stupid people......
    I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.

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