Over a year back when I first decided to stop lurking and actually post on SMC, I inquired about having some of the locals in the mid-Atlantic region gather for a face-to-face. Due to lack of time on the part of many of us (myself included) and a lack of gumption on my part to get it going, the meet never materialized. Anyone still interested in such a meeting? Keith, any interest in opening up your shop to us whackos as I've read you've done in the past? I know I'd love to see a ShopBot in action as I have one listed on my to-buy-when-money-isn't-so-tight list.

I'm imagining a couple of hours at a local shop, head out for a bite to eat at a local cafe/restaurant (and eat outside if weather permits), etc. Sometime in May should allow for warmer weather to get here as well as giving people plenty of time to plan.
