Conversation Between bob hertle and Chris Fournier

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Bob, I've been PM'g with the moderator Ken Fitzgerald about this and he alluded to "ghost comments" I made which I think may mean that he reads PMs! How unAmerican, well perhaps "uncivilized" is that if its the case? Well the real laugh is that you have people who spent $6 and that is all the license they need to pull the superior "attitude" bit. We are truly the poor cousins. I've been slow to adopt Firefox but at your suggestion I'll likely jump on board and look at Woodnet too. Thanks for sending the PM.
  2. Chris,

    Too bad they locked the thread, or I might have re-inforced your sentiments. I'm tired of the self righteous looking down their noses at the lowly members who have time and again answered questions and given advice. I've pretty much quit posting here because of the "attitude" of some of the "contributors". I assure you it's not the six bucks, I was considering ponying up when they locked the deals and discounts forum unless you contribute. It was then that I first noticed the attitude, and it turned me off to the point I'll never become a contributor. I don't see their ads either since I run Firefox with the AdBlock plus addon. Woodnet is now my favorite w'working forum!

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