Conversation Between David Reed and Russell Neyman

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I am not a member although have planned to join. I all too often have obligations which limit my attendance to meetings. I think I was able to attend two meets ever when I actually remembered and was available. Need to make it a higher priority. Looks like I am at least in town for the Feb meeting. Will add to my calendar and see what happens.
    saw you friend request and not sure what it means inside the Creek, but sounds fine to me.
  2. David, are you a member of the Olympic Peninsula Woodturners?
  3. Russell:
    if memory serves, you posted a pic of a Madrone 'bowl', so distorted that it looked much like an old beat up bronze bowl. I am interested in the finish you applied to achieve the antique bronze look?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3